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La table verte

A combination of games, debate and dance



Concept: Marco Berrettini, choreographer & Alice Gervais-Ragu researcher

Co-producer: Arta Sperto, Genève

Contributors (1st edition):

Geneva-based choreographer Yan Marussich, whose work creates links with the worlds of anthropology and biology;
Geneva-based architect Aurélie Dupuis, who works at the ALICE studio (Atelier de la conception de l’espace) and whose work questions the links between dance and architectural design;
Silvia Fanti, curator of the XING transdisciplinary festival in Bologna, Italy;
Laetitia Chauvin, French art critic, cultural producer and editor of the transdisciplinary fanzine pleasedtomeetyou;
Démosthène Agrafiotis, Greek essayist, poet and visual artist, whose literary and visual work contributes to the conjunction of art and new technologies;
Sylvain Chaty, French astrophysicist, professor at Université Paris Cité, specialist in stellar evolution and black holes;
Simon Marsan, French musicologist and composer, member of the Musidanse laboratory at Université Paris VIII, specializing in the links between music and politics;
Jean-François Cardoso, French researcher in information science, director of research at CNRS, specialist in the Big Bang and the Planck satellite.

La table verte at MAMCO / Le Commun, Geneva, as part of the transdisciplinary festival Dance first, Think later. Conceived by choreographer Marco Berrettini and researcher Alice Gervais-Ragu, in collaboration with curatorial structure Arta Sperto, this event lies at the crossroads between scientific conference, collaborative game and dance performance.

“What does dance do to the world, what does the world do to dance?”: based on this question, 8 internationally renowned speakers from a variety of disciplines will be invited to experiment and share their reflections, to which the public will also be able to make their own contributions.

La table verte au MAMCO / Le Commun de Genève, dans le cadre du festival transdisciplinaire Dance first, Think later. Conçu par le chorégraphe Marco Berrettini et la chercheuse Alice Gervais-Ragu, en collaboration avec la structure curatrice Arta Sperto, cet événement se situe au carrefour de la conférence scientifique, du jeu collaboratif et de la performance dansée.

« Qu’est-ce que la danse fait au monde, qu’est-ce que le monde fait à la danse ? »: à partir de cette question, 8 intervenants issus de divers champs disciplinaires, et de notoriété internationale, seront invités à expérimenter et partager leurs réflexions, auxquelles le public pourra également apporter ses propres contributions.

November 9th &  10th, 2024

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